HONEY BEAR Silk Knot Cufflinks Fabric for Mens Shirt for Business Wedding Gift Pink
Color: Pink
This Infinity cufflink is the perfect addition to any ensemble. Each cufflink is delicately made by hand.
Made of high quality soft stretchy silk knot ropes, novelty look and easy to pop in. We gurantee great quality on all our cufflinks.
Package Included: 1 pair silk knot cufflinks set in a retail bag
Silze:1.7cm;Color:Green/Blue/Black/Red/White/Orange/Grey/Navy Blue/Pink/Purple/Beige
90 Days Money-back Satisfaction Guarantee
Binding: Jewelry
model number: 5701000260-264
Part Number: 5701000260-264
Details: Cufflinks are a great way to add a personal touch to a suit or dress shirt. They can also be a way to support your favorite teams, display your unique sense of style, or simply complete a look.
How to wear:
1st step :Pull on your French cuff shirt: start by pulling on the shirt and allowing the cuff flaps on each arm to spread over your hands.
2nd step: Fold the cuff flaps back : Now fold back the cuffs on each side, making sure each cuff's buttonholes align
15rd step: Fasten the cuffs: Pass the cuff links through the holes on each side of the cuff and twist them so they cannot pass back through the buttonholes
Package Dimensions: 5.9 x 5.2 x 0.7 inches
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